Categories: Health & Wellness

Enhancing Health and Wellness: 5 Ways to Improve

Within this blog post, I discuss five simple ways you can improve your health and wellness today, and how to make more time within your busy schedule to focus on yourself. This is something that is not only good for you, but it is essential for your overall well-being. The relationship you have with yourself is extremely important and you are worth investing time and energy in. 

*This blog post may contain advertisements and affiliate links. If you click on these links and make a purchase, I may earn a small commission or extra benefit at no extra cost to you. I only promote products or services that I genuinely believe will be beneficial to my readers, and that have helped me personally. Thank you for your support!*

Being a busy mama is no easy task, and is definitely a full-time juggling act. Trying to balance work, home life tasks and your kid(s) is tough enough as it is already, plus trying to make time for yourself is nearly impossible sometimes. Read this blog post about Balancing Career Growth and Motherhood to learn more strategies for success.

I will never forget a saying I once heard, “Give yourself this hour of the day so you can give the rest of the day to everyone else”. I thought this was such a powerful and simple reminder that even a small amount of time focused on you can improve so many other aspects of your life including your relationships, health, and overall happiness. 

Check out my Amazon Associates Page to see my favorite products for some of these activities. Check out my digital downloads page to view helpful resources to make each of these ways easier to accomplish.

Let’s dive in, and I am so happy you are here to be educated, inspired, and connect with other “bold mamas”! 

  1. Live an Active Lifestyle

There are countless ways to live an active lifestyle as a busy mama. Some of my favorite activities I have found to be sustainable are attending yoga or pilates classes on the weekends, going on runs with my daughter, walking my dog, and doing weight training workouts at home. 

The key to living an active lifestyle as a busy mama is finding activities you enjoy that are also convenient within your busy schedule. Something else to remember is that it will not always be perfect, and some movement is better than none. Even if you can’t make it to a full-hour workout class, going out for a quick walk is a great alternative too. Continue to give yourself grace and celebrate every win, both big and small. 

Consider that your active lifestyle routine might look completely different now than before you had kid(s), and that is alright! I know mine does, and finding a new routine that works for me has been a work in progress. Even 15 minutes can make a huge impact on your day. Feeling accomplished is such a great feeling, and it happens after you get to check movement off your to-do list. 

My virtual personal trainer with Jessica Mahowa Fitness has been a huge part of making this transition easy for me. Fill out the Personal Training Application Form to learn more about her services and how she can take the guesswork out of creating an effective and sustainable workout routine for you

  1. Delegate Tasks

Asking for help is one of the topics I struggle with, and I know a lot of other mamas do too. Some of us enjoy “doing it all” and want to handle everything ourselves, but that is not always realistic. We have to take a look and see if the pressures that we are putting on ourselves are serving us or not. 

One tip that has really worked for me is being able to communicate clearly and ask for help. It is impossible for anyone to read your mind to know what you are thinking. Being able to voice what you need help with in the moment while staying calm and having a positive attitude is a huge win, and is not always easy. 

Another tip is to create a checklist of items you need help with that others can reference. Some people may respond better by looking at written lists, and others may be more responsive after being given tasks verbally. 

Learning what works for you and your family dynamic will contribute to the overall success and happiness of everyone involved in contributing. Your family may also find they appreciate being a part of the success and may have a sense of accomplishment, and enjoy fulfilling responsibilities. 

  1. Practice Stress Management

Feeling stressed or overwhelmed is extremely common for me, and is constantly something I am working on to improve. When I am stressed, I feel many physical reactions in my body as a result of my mental state. I will share some of the techniques that have worked for me to de-stress and stay calm.

One technique that really works for me is time blocking and focusing on one task at a time. This sounds simple, but I know it is something that many mamas struggle with. It is something that takes some practice, but once you are in the habit of it, it creates efficiency and saves time. Check out The One Thing Audiobook on Audible that taught me the importance of this concept. 

We are constantly thinking of a million things at once, and have a long list of items to do in the day. Being able to take on one task at a time and stay present reduces stress and results in a better outcome because we are not jumping focus from one task to another. 

Another technique that really helps me is simply closing my eyes and doing deep breathing exercises. This helps the body and the mind think more clearly and focus on the task at hand. Also, recognize the reactions your body has when you feel stressed, andif anywhere seems tense, so you can prevent this from happening and become more aware. 

  1. Focus on Self-Care

“Self-care” means something different for each mama because we all have different needs. For me, practicing self-care can be done in many different ways. For example, this could mean taking a deluxe shower, reading a book with coffee in the morning, or watching tv. 

Taking the time you need to recharge (often by yourself) is crucial to your health and wellness. I am more positive, patient, and fulfilled when I take some time for myself. One action item I have for you after you are done reading this is to write down five ways you enjoy practicing self-care and make it a priority this week to do one of these each day this week. 

Share your favorite ideas with our community by posting about it, and tagging me!

  1. Find Helpful Resources and Support

Being as busy as we are, using resources that make our lives easier is so important to implement new ideas into our routines. I have found that checklists, apps through my iPhone, and books are the three biggest ways I improve my health and wellness. Each of these resources creates accountability, and efficiency, and helps me learn new ideas

I have also found that surrounding myself with other mamas who make their health and wellness a priority is so important to learn new resources and ideas. Surrounding yourself with a community of women who want you to succeed and help you find value in your life is such a special opportunity we need to take full advantage of. 

Here at The Bold Mama Co.™, we provide education, inspiration, and connection that all mamas could benefit from. 

Join my email list today to learn even more ways to improve your health and wellness and become integrated within a community of other “bold mamas”. 

Mama Whit XOXO


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