Episode 2: Empowerment and Self-Care: Navigating Motherhood with Boundary Setting

SHOW NOTES: Episode 2

In today’s episode, I am diving into the importance of setting and maintaining strong personal boundaries. I share strategies that I have used myself and the impact that clear boundaries can have on your mental health and relationships. 

Communication is key when it comes to boundaries.

I share about how to express your limits clearly and assertively without coming across as aggressive or confrontational. I also shared examples and phrases you can use to let others know your needs respectfully and confidently.

Self-reflection is another powerful tool in boundary setting. I share how taking the time to reflect on past experiences can help you understand your current boundary needs. This is truly going to serve you when setting your boundaries.

I hope this episode empowers you to take control of your boundaries and help you work on boundary-setting!


  • Boundary setting
  • Navigating relationships
  • Empowerment and self-care
  • Overcoming challenges
  • Personal growth and development


  • Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @boldmamaco
  • If you haven’t checked out episode 1, be sure to check that out HERE!


Welcome to “Bold Mama Boundaries” the podcast where I dive deep into setting boundaries to reclaim overwhelm, nurture meaningful relationships, and prioritize self-care. 

I’m Whitney! As a fellow mama, I created this show to share my personal journey and insights, aiming to inspire and educate you to thrive as a mama.

In each episode, you can expect expert advice on how to establish and maintain boundaries that empower you in your daily life. We’ll explore topics like setting boundaries with work and family commitments, finding time for self-care amidst busy schedules, and saying “no” in a way that feels authentic to you. This is a safe space for mamas to connect, learn, and grow together as we let go of what no longer serves us. 

Join me on this transformative journey, as we unlock a life filled with more control, less stress, and a stronger sense of self. Listen in, take notes, and discover how you can lead a more balanced life as a mama!

Connect with me through social media @theboldmamaco and don’t forget to subscribe to my email list today! Your journey towards the life you want to live as a mama starts now, and just remember you can do it all, mama!

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