Categories: FitnessIntroduction

Q&A with Mama Whit: How Her Fitness Journey Can Help YOU

If you are interested in learning more about living an active lifestyle after you read this blog post, feel free to read more of my blog posts about fitness, hiring a personal trainer, and health and wellness as a busy mama. 

*This blog post may contain advertisements and affiliate links. If you click on these links and make a purchase, I may earn a small commission or extra benefit at no extra cost to you. I only promote products or services that I genuinely believe will be beneficial to my readers, and that have helped me personally. Thank you for your support!*

  1. How has your fitness journey evolved over the years?

I have experienced a lot of change and evolution throughout my fitness journey. When I was in college, I enjoyed going to the gym with friends and started experimenting with workout classes like spin and HIIT training. After college, I started running and experimenting with yoga and pilates classes. 

During pregnancy, I started walking my dog every day and went to pilates classes at least once a week until 36 weeks along. I believe this played a big part in having a relatively short and easy labor. Once I had my daughter, I focused on proper recovery, and then a few months after I started weight training, and then a few months after that I started running again. 

My postpartum journey would not have been as successful without my personal trainer. If you are interested in her virtual services, please visit this page of my website. She is able to help with both fitness and nutrition livestyle improvements. 

Currently, I am still weight training twice a week using Jessica’s program, walking at least every other day, and going to yoga classes on the weekends. This is while I am working full time, building The Bold Mama Co.™, and watch my daughter full time. Even though I am a mama, it is so important for me to incorporate activity into my day to day life in order to be my best self. 

  1. As a busy mom, how do you find the time to prioritize your fitness and maintain an active lifestyle?

Because this is something that is a top priority for me, I make the time and fit it into my busy schedule. I use the resources on this page of my website in order to stay organized. I stay motivated and determined to keep in shape because of my mental health along with my physical health. Fitness and physical activity helps me think clearly and take my mind off of other responsibilities and I find joy in the fitness activities that work for me. I have tried a lot of different forms of physical activity over the years, and my fitness routine continues to evolve. 

I also know that consistency is key to the way I look physically, so some activity ends up adding more value to my life than doing really intense fitness routines only a couple of days a week. I used to devote more time to longer workouts, but now with my daughter, I find that I can stay motivated and consistent with 30 to 45 minutes per day

On the days when adding in physical activity seems like a burden, I shift my mindset and say a few reasons why I should complete a workout and tell myself how much better I will feel after it is over. On the days when I want to take a break from fitness, I take the time to focus on something else I would rather do. Or that needs to be done, and give myself the grace to know I will get back into it the next day. 

  1. What tips or advice do you have for other moms struggling to balance fitness in with a career and/or family?

Tip number 1 would be to schedule out your workouts for the week and write them in your calendar, just like any other meeting or appointment that you would attend. This will allow you to see the time you have available so you can realistically plan. These resources allow me to do this by using a digital planner and a digital daily wellness journal.

Tip number 2 would be to find activities where you can include your kid(s) so they can have fun with you. I do workouts in front of my baby while pushing her in her swing at the same time, and make funny faces in between that make her smile and laugh. Check out the Amazon products sheet of my website to see some of my favorite purchases for these activities.

Tip number 3 would be to find a support system or other mamas who can keep you accountable if that is something that helps you be successful. A lot of mamas find enjoyment in joining a walking community or meeting a friend for a workout class. Message me on social media if you want to collaborate on more ways to find a support system in order to reach your goals.

  1. How do you involve your family in your active lifestyle?

When my husband is home and able to watch my daughter while I workout or attend a group class, I communicate clearly and ask for his help. He is very understanding with how important this time is for me to stay active and healthy. We have found ways to make it work where I am able to devote time to an uninterrupted workout. 

When we all want to be active together, one of my favorite family activities is when we go on “family walks” around our neighborhood. I push my daughter in her BOB stroller, while my husband walks our dog. I really enjoy this time all together. 

It gives my husband and I a chance to talk and catch up, while the whole family is outside getting some movement. Although it seems simple, it really creates a positive energy in our home environment and it creates a mental reset for everyone. 

  1. What is your most proud moment of accomplishment during your fitness journey?

My most proud moment of accomplishment was when I ran a 5k in under 30 minutes. I completed this in May 2023 when my daughter was less than one year old. I trained for months before and put in a lot of time and energy to do my best the day of the race. 

My personal trainer helped prepare me for this race, and it was so motivating to have her support along the way. If you are interested in her virtual services, please visit this page of my website. She could help you train to improve your running skills or help you reach a goal with running. 

This was such a special and emotional moment for me when I crossed the finish line, and my younger self would have been so proud. Growing up, I was not much of a runner and before this race I had never run faster than a 10 minute mile time. 

The best part about this race was supporting Miracle Babies Charity. Showing up for this cause made the experience extra special because of wanting other kid(s) to thrive in their health and wellness

Here at The Bold Mama Co.™, we provide education, inspiration, and connection that all mamas could benefit from. 

Click here to join my email list today to learn even more ways to improve your personal development and become integrated within a community of other “bold mamas”. 

Mama Whit XOXO


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