Q&A with Mama Whit: How Her Mindfulness Journey Can Help YOU


All of the tips, tricks, and resources I had learned from the past helped, but it was a very severe level of stress and anxiety during this time. I also started having symptoms of postpartum depression which I had never experienced before. This added an extra layer of difficulty. 

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  1. Can you describe a specific moment or situation when you realized that your mental health needed attention and how it affected your life as a busy mama?

One of the moments when I realized that my mental health needed attention was during the early stages of returning to work while caring full-time for my daughter. Currently, I still work full-time remotely while watching her every day without additional help. In the beginning of this transition after my maternity leave, this was a very trying time figuring out how I was going to juggle both responsibilities. 

I felt an enormous pressure to succeed as a parent and as a career driven woman. Paired with being a wife, a dog mama, taking care of other home-life responsibilies, and working on my own personal development and self-care it was all too much. 

I vividly remember a day when I started having panic attacks and experienced two in one week. I was becoming increasingly anxious, irritable, and emotionally drained. In addition to these mental health symptoms, I was also having a lot of physcial health symptoms of severe stress such as cronic stomach pain and pain in my shoulders from extreme muscle tension. 

It was during this moment that I recognized the toll all of these tasks were taking on my mental well-being. My stress levels were through the roof, and I realized that I couldn’t continue like this without some form of additional support and self-care practices. I needed to create a shift in my thought processes, and get help from various sources. 

I have always struggled with stress, anxiety, and taking things very seriously. I have worked with multiple therapists, have tried mindfulness apps, was enrolled in a “mindful mamas” course throughout my pregnancy, and so much more. 

  1. What were the initial steps you took to address your mental health concerns and begin your transformative journey? What strategies have you tried that have made a significant positive impact? 

Taking those first steps towards addressing my mental health was a daunting task. There is a certain level of guilt and shame I have endured because I did not want to feel like I “needed” help, or like I couldn’t handle it on my own any longer. I had to accept that recieving outside help and trying new tactics was the best course of action. 

My first step towards my transformational mindfulness journey, was implementing time management strategies and a structured daily schedule. I needed to schedule my tasks hour by hour and write down everything I needed to do in a day. I needed to focus on one task at a time, and stay dedicated to being present on whatever I was working on. 

If time management and structuring your daily schedule is something you also need to improve, buy this planner I created within the Digital Downloads section of my website to help you on your path to solving this problem today. 

My second step towards my transformational mental health journey, was taking an additional leap into professional guidance. I found a therapist who lead informational sessions within EMDR therapy. This type of therapy began to rewire my brain to help my thinking become more logical and less reactive

I also started taking a low dose anti-depressant medication called Zoloft. This has made a dramatic impact on my mental health and how I process life’s challenging moments. Once I started taking this medication, I opened up to my inner circle about my struggles. It turned out that a lot of friends and family members I knew were also already on a variety of medications to help their mental health, and there was nothing I needed to feel shame for. 

My third step towards my transformational mental health journey, was prioritizing mind, body, soul self-care. I started with implementing daily manageable practices like brief mindfulness exercises, quick workouts, and moments of relaxation—simple yet effective ways to nurture my well-being. 

If you want to learn more about how I implement a lot of these daily tasks as a busy mama, follow me on social media. I share about how to create positive mental shifts, fitness inspiration, and how to reduce stress. These videos are short and easy to implement within your busy schedule.

  1. How has improving your mindfulness positively impacted you as a mama and as a career driven woman?

The journey of prioritizing my mindfulness is ongoing, but by taking these initial steps mentioned in question two, I began to notice positive changes within 4-6 weeks. My mental health has drastically improved over the last year since then. I am continuing to find what works for me, and share what I have learned with all of you. Many more resources and opportunities for personal development growth are coming soon. 

I am becoming better equipped to manage the complexities of balancing working and motherhood. I finally feel like I am able to “do it all” without having such a heavy mental load. Check out my other blog posts where I talk about juggling these two responsibilities and how to thrive while doing it. 

Through this journey, I’ve come to understand that prioritizing mental health isn’t just essential—it’s a path to becoming the most confident, empowered, and positive version of myself. 

I also think about my whole family and how it affects them. I want my daughter to see that I am calm, in control of my emotions, and am able to multitask successfully without chaotic energy. I also want to help teach her these skills so she is able to take charge of her mental health later in life. 

  1. What message or piece of advice would you like to share with other busy working mamas who may be struggling with their mental health, seeking inspiration and guidance?

Firstly, know that prioritizing yourself is crucial. We juggle so much as mamas, and it’s easy to lose ourselves in the whirlwind of responsibilities. But remember, taking care of your mental well-being isn’t selfish; it’s necessary for you to be the best version of yourself. 

Secondly, remember, you are enough just as you are. It’s easy to feel the pressure to be the perfect mama and excel in your career, but perfection is an unattainable standard. Embrace your imperfections; they make you uniquely you. Self-compassion goes a long way in your mental health journey.

Lastly, never underestimate the strength of seeking help. Whether through therapy, online resources, or talking to a friend, don’t hesitate to reach out. You’re not alone on this journey, and there’s a vast community of mamas who understand and are here to support you. Same with me, I am your friend and guide throughout your mental health journey. Reach out to me on the contact page of my website if have any questions about how to be the best version of yourself. 

Here at The Bold Mama Co.™, we provide education, inspiration, and connection that all mamas could benefit from. 

Click here to join my email list today to learn even more ways to improve your personal development and become integrated within a community of other “bold mamas”. 

Mama Whit XOXO

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