Q&A with Mama Whit: How Her Spiritual Journey Can Help YOU


If you believe in listening to your gut feelings, putting out positive energy into the universe, or the concept of “what goes around, comes around”, these are all forms of spirituality. Everyone has a different level of understanding of this topic, and I am still at the beginning stage with this concept. I have only begun to explore the full potential and creative options for this subject. 

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  1. Can you share a bit about your spiritual journey and if you have any personal resources for this subject?

My personal spiritual journey has been a profound and evolving experience. Even at a young age, I have always been affected by energy and “vibes”, and this is something I have thought is somewhat of a superpower for me to tap into. Especially as a woman, this is something that has been very valuable for me to connect with throughout my life. 

My experiences with spirituality began to drastically increase over the last year. I was connected with a positive and encouraging spiritual guide named Anthony. He is a psychic/clairvoyant/medium, who has truly changed my life in an extremely grounding way. 

He actually lead to me start this blog because he agreed with how much it could help and serve others, and that it had a “high vibration” attached to it. 

He has lead multiple readings with me to ensure I am on the right life path. Both in person and over the phone. He has done an energy clearing with me to ensure I am putting out the highest most positive energy in the universe. Also, that I am not holding on to past trauma and emotional baggage that does not serve me. 

  1. How do you incorporate spirituality into your daily routine, and what impact does it have on your personal growth?

Currently, I incorporate simple practices like mindfulness, meditation, and affirmations in my daily routine. These practices help me manage the daily challenges of “doing it all” as a mama, and wife, being career-driven, and investing in my health and wellness. 

I notice I am more positive, rational, and calm when I invest a small amount of time per day into completing these tasks. Check out my digital resources that can help you with your spirituality and mindfulness today. 

I want to keep growing, evolving, and learning about how to become even more in tune with the universe and how to become the best version of myself through various new practices. I want to learn more about the power of crystals and astrology as well. 

I enjoy reading books, listening to podcasts, and talking to other people as well about spiritual practices. I love being open to new ideas, because you never know what positive outcome will come if you are open minded. In the future, I plan to take classes with Anthony to further expand my connection to the spiritual world. 

  1. How has spirituality contributed to your mental well-being, and what strategies can you recommend to other mamas for maintaining mental and emotional balance through their spiritual journey?

Spirituality has played a pivotal role in nurturing my mental well-being as a mama, providing me with a sense of inner peace and emotional balance that has been invaluable in navigating the challenges of motherhood. Here are some ways in which spirituality has contributed to my mental well-being and strategies I recommend to other mamas:

  1. Mindfulness and Presence: One of the fundamental aspects of my spiritual journey has been the practice of mindfulness. It involves being fully present in the moment, which has helped me manage stress and anxiety. 
  1. Gratitude Practice: Gratitude is a powerful tool for enhancing mental well-being. Regularly acknowledging and appreciating the blessings in our lives can shift our focus away from challenges and towards positivity. 
  1. Self-Care Rituals: My spiritual journey has taught me the importance of self-love and self-compassion. How you speak to yourself has a huge impact on the type of energy you put out into the universe. I try to be as patient, understanding, and uplifting to myself as possible. 
  1. Connection and Community: Spirituality has taught me the value of connection with others who share similar values and aspirations. Being able to be speak freely about these types of topics with others who are accepting of being open-minded is a key component to learning new spirituality techniques and ideas. 
  1. Seeking Professional Help: While spirituality can be a valuable tool for mental well-being, it’s essential to recognize that it may not be a substitute for professional mental health support when needed. 

If feelings of stress, anxiety, or depression become overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek help from a therapist or counselor who can provide guidance and therapeutic strategies. I have also participated in these other forms of support, and they are so valuable in times of need. I plan to share more about my mental health journey within this platform as well. 

  1. What are your future goals and aspirations in your spirituality journey, and how do you plan to continue growing and evolving personally while supporting other busy mamas on their paths?

My future goals and aspirations in my spirituality journey are deeply intertwined with my commitment to supporting other busy mamas on their paths of personal development. 

First and foremost, I plan to continue deepening my own spiritual practice. This involves exploring new facets of spirituality, delving into different modalities, and consistently integrating spiritual principles into my daily life. By doing so, I aim to be a living example of the positive impact spirituality can have on one’s life. 

My blog will remain a central platform for sharing my insights and experiences. I’ll continue to write about my personal journey, spiritual practices, and the lessons I’ve learned.

I aim to collaborate with other experts in the field of personal development and spirituality to bring diverse perspectives and resources to my audience. A partnership with Anthony will be offered soon, and I am so excited for you to have access to his virtual services. 

  1. How has your spirituality journey influenced your sense of purpose and fulfillment in life, and how can other busy mamas discover or deepen their sense of purpose through spirituality?

One significant evolution in my spiritual journey was the realization that spirituality isn’t just about personal growth; it’s also about service and helping others. I started my blog as a platform to share my experiences, insights, and the lessons I had learned along the way. 

I want to be a guide for other mamas facing challenges, offering practical advice, and a sense of community. I want to be someone who is open, honest, and vulnerable in order to truly share what has helped me throughout my personal development journey. 

Above all, my goal is to empower mamas on their spiritual journeys while fostering a sense of empathy and understanding. I want every mama to know that it’s okay to have moments of doubt, struggle, and imperfection. In order to heal and grow in different ways, multiple avenues such as spirituality are needed.

Here at The Bold Mama Co.™, we provide education, inspiration, and connection that all mamas could benefit from. 

Click here to join my email list today to learn even more ways to improve your health and wellness and become integrated within a community of other “bold mamas”. 

Mama Whit XOXO

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