Categories: Professional & Career

Navigating Career Success as a Busy Working Mama: 3 Proven Tips to Thrive

Being a mama while also working can be extremely challenging. You want to give your very best in all aspects of your life, but it can be difficult when you are pulled in so many directions. Whether you work at home or at an office, part or full-time, as an entrepreneur or for a large corporation, each situation is stressful. Learn more strategies for success within this blog post about Balancing Career Growth and Motherhood.

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Within this blog post, I discuss three tips to thrive as a busy working mama and hopefully give some practical insight on how juggling all of these tasks can become easier.

Putting some of these ideas into action could help you become less stressed, and more efficient, and improve your health and wellness. Read more about Enhancing your Health and Wellness within this blog post. Overall these concepts will also lead to realistic expectations and help alleviate pressure, a better mindset, and improved habits. 

Check out my Amazon Associates Page to see my favorite products for some of these activities. Check out my digital downloads page to view helpful resources to make each of these ways easier to accomplish.

Let’s dive in, and I am so happy you are here to be educated, inspired, and connect with other “bold mamas”! 

  1. Implement Goal Setting

Being able to set and accomplish goals can have so many benefits and positive effects on your lifestyle as a busy working mama. There are so many areas that this concept could help with such as improving career goals, parenting goals, self-care goals, financial goals, and housecare management goals, etc. 

It can increase your motivation to get tasks done. Learning what kind of motivation you need (internal vs external for example) is important for your overall success. It can also increase your productivity by keeping you focused on certain tasks and what is needed in order to accomplish them. It can also provide a sense of achievement once a goal is met or a task is complete. 

If you are interested in implementing goal setting into your lifestyle, you can follow a step-by-step plan by first understanding what matters to you to try to improve, creating goals around these topics, breaking each goal down into actionable steps, and monitoring your progress. 

Remember, it is important to stay flexible and adapt to changes that come along during this process. This may be something that takes some practice, so be kind to yourself along the way. If the idea of setting a goal for a large task seems daunting, start practicing these simple steps with a smaller task until you get more comfortable with the concept. 

  1. Create Routine

Having a routine throughout your day can make each task go much smoother, and can create efficiency because you have a general plan of what needs to be done. It is important to first lay out what tasks have any sort of timeline (due dates, appointment times, etc.), and then plan other tasks around those timelines. Having a general structure for your day can also be very helpful. Creating guidelines for your schedule can also reduce stress and confusion for yourself and your family members

For example, I have created a basic routine for my workweek and my workday. This has created stability and allows me to be kept accountable because I know what is expected and allows me to set aside time for tasks that are important to me like taking care of my health and wellness. 

Here is an example of my basic workweek routine

  • Before work, I accomplish brand-related tasks and enjoy an hour of alone time before my daughter is awake while I drink my coffee.
  • I work the first part of the morning while watching my daughter.
  • During my lunch break my daughter, my dog, and I go on a walk around the neighborhood.
  • I work the second part of the afternoon also while watching my daughter.
  • After work, I complete my weight-training workout.
  • At night, I either help with dinner or am able to play with my daughter.
  • Before bed, I read and/or watch tv.

In between these tasks, there are other daily tasks such as taking a shower, my daughter’s nap times, eating meals, etc. but having this general schedule helps these other tasks or appointments be implemented easily.

  1. Practice Work/Life Balance

Having a balance within your professional and personal life can be very challenging. If you do work at home, it can be challenging because you are constantly surrounded by household tasks or have the availability to pick up extra slack when there are appointments or errands that need to be completed throughout the day. 

However, if you are in the office you may be able to focus more on work but may feel uneasy about not being able to spend as much time at home or with your kid(s).

Being able to prioritize what needs to be done throughout the week, day, hour, and minute, will help increase the amount of quality time spent on each task. Some of this can be done within future planning, but some can be in the moment or during a task. Something I try to ask myself is, “Is my time being reflected accordingly in order of importance, or what needs to be done right now”? 

For example, if I am in the middle of writing a work email and I receive a personal text message, I ask myself, “Is this an urgent message to respond to or can it wait?” If I know that I only am able to write the email for a set amount of time, I want to take advantage of staying focused on writing instead of switching back and forth between that and sending personal text messages. 

Being able to manage time effectively through staying focused, will reduce your guilt and help you to stay present because you will have been able to accomplish more in a set amount of time, while not taking away from your other responsibilities. This will also help implement realistic expectations by knowing how much time you have for each task. 

Do you know another busy working mama who could benefit from reading this blog post? If so, share it with them! We all could use more resources and support in order to feel educated, inspired, and connected to other mamas. Learn more about The 3 Pillars of The Bold Mama Co.™ by checking out this blog post.

Join my email list today to learn even more ways to thrive as a busy working mama and become integrated within a community of other “bold mamas” here at The Bold Mama Co.™

Mama Whit XOXO


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